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Welcome to Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health Service
Together we provide friendly, non-judgemental, specialist services across Worcestershire, supporting you to manage your sexual health.
Use the links below to find information on services in your area.
Did you know we are part of the rainbow badge scheme?
Each member of staff that wears a rainbow badge has agreed to sign a pledge. This shows their commitment to provide support to LGBT+ people. ,
This means you can speak with confidence about who you are and how you feel about your identity.
WISH Charter
Together we provide friendly, non-judgemental, specialist services. Supporting you to manage your sexual health. Call us or drop in.
WISH empower patients to improve their sexual health through education and positive lifestyle changes.
WISH aspire to be consistently professional and actively demonstrate this to patients and colleagues.
WISH feel competent, confident and supported by colleagues to achieve individual and team objectives.
WISH value positive praise and constructive feedback which motivates us to strive for excellence.
Our strengths enable us to do our absolute best. Our patients deserve the excellence we provide.
WISH encourage each other to raise concerns through the appropriate channels – we know they will be dealt with competently, confidentially and with sensitivity in line with Trust policy.
Information and training for professionals
The education & health promotion team
The sexual health promotion team have a wealth of experience supporting staff working with young and vulnerable people. We help plan relationship & sexual health education curriculum for schools and colleges. We provide staff training on topics relating to relationships and sexual heath to help fellow professionals cascade key messages with confidence.
We can negotiate educational sessions directly to some particularly vulnerable people and students on occasion; however we don’t routinely offer classroom delivery to pupils.
Sexual Health Training
The sexual health promotion team have a wealth of experience supporting staff working with young and vulnerable people. We help plan relationship & sexual health education curriculum for schools and colleges. We provide staff training on topics relating to relationships and sexual heath to help fellow professionals cascade key messages with confidence.
The C-card scheme
The C-card scheme provides an opportunity for young people to get free condoms from trained staff. This is to help young people keep safe and reduce teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Young people (up to and including 19 years of age) meet with a trained worker who discusses their relationship and when appropriate gives condoms.
All staff have experience of working with young people and are trained before giving condoms. Everything remains confidential, unless (on rare occasions) someone is at significant harm or risk, then safeguarding guidelines will be followed.
Outreach nurse service
WiSH Sexual Health Outreach Nurses work with young people who cannot or are unable to access mainstream sexual health services. We work with vulnerable clients to improve access to sexual health care. We engage with young people who are hard to reach within the community e.g. schools community hubs, homeless foyers, residential units and in patients homes.
Our Sexual Health Nurses offer one-to-one support information and guidance regarding contraception, sexually transmitted infections and safer sex. Find out more or make a referral.
How is my information shared?
Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) is a confidential service. This means we will not share information about you without your knowledge. All patients have the right to expect that information about them is held in confidence. Patients will be properly informed how information about them is used.
To help give patients the best care possible, sometimes we will need to share information about you and your health. This is rare and we will always let you know before we share any information about you.
There are specific rules, which are governed by law, which we must follow. Examples of times when information might be shared include:
• When a patient has capacity and has given valid consent to share information.
• When it is necessary to safeguard an individual or others.
• When there is a legal duty to do so, for example a court order
We may share information with some of our partner agencies with your consent, if they share responsibility for your health care.
We have a duty to disclose general information about our patients for statistical and public health reports. All information that is shared for audit, research and epidemiological reasons is anonymised. Our partners who provide IT systems and support which hold Patient identifiable information must sign up to confidentiality regulations.
How is my information shared? Sexual Health Poster for Print